Sunday, February 19, 2012

Engineering and Building "Stuff" in my classroom

Apparently, when I spoke to the group of parents and students in our gym about the class that I teach, (Gateways to Technology) I might have sold it too well.

Right now, I have over 200 kids signed up for my class and we are still waiting for two more elementary schools to turn in their Choice Sheets.

Earlier this week, there was talk that we might have to hire another teacher because the interest is so high, but I think that we will just have to put a cap on how many kids we can take. I tried to convince the counselor that I didn’t want any behavior problems. Luckily, since I only have 29 computers—I can only have 29 in each class. Hopefully, they will be 29 angels. Right?

I am getting really excited for next year. I should be able to teach Gateways to Technology all day long!  

On another note, after we finished our assignments on Friday—I gave my kids “choice time.”

My students working with nuts and screws.
We have these kits that we will use to “program robots,” after we get back from spring break. The kits have millions of tiny pieces that include screws, gears, shafts, nuts, etc. If you are a middle schooler—these terms are absolutely hilarious...maybe if you are not a middle schooler, it is still hilarious?!?

But, anyway, back to the choice time. Most of my kids wanted to play some different games on the computers—but I was shocked when I had several groups of girls who asked me if they could work on the VEX kits and build “stuff” during choice time.
The girls working on the VEX kits.
I don't know why it is upside down. :(

This was so awesome to me! As a matter of fact, I had to sneak up behind them and take some pictures because I was so in awe of their enthusiasm for building, and I didn't want them to think I was a creeper.

Who says girls don’t like to work with their hands? Not my girls!

And, on another note, only 14 more days (with kids) until spring break!

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