Monday, September 5, 2011

Weird Weekend

It was a weird weekend.

I loved the fact that I got an extra day off to sleep in. I used it to recover from some strange sickness I picked up. It figures, a long weekend and I am sick. I always get sick over holidays/spring break.

These wild fires are absolutely crazy. It seems like half of central Texas is on fire. We went to my husband’s school today and you could see the smoke in the distance—and it was almost 30 miles away. I cannot imagine looking out your window and seeing black smoke all around you. That must be horrifying.

The varsity football team that my “old man” works for won their home opener 40-0. Funny, the local news show somehow got the score wrong and for the longest time—people who weren’t at the game thought the team lost 40-0.

Another bit of oddness, one of my old students, who is now 15, is rumored to have slept with a 36 year old woman. Some say this woman was actually the mother of his girlfriend, and the woman’s husband walked in on them. Apparently this happened in April, but the parents are outraged because the woman keeps hanging around the football team. No charges have been filed as of yet.

Lastly, my mom and dad sold their house in Michigan. They will be moving to Texas after my mom completes this school year. This is great news, but that means my parents have to clean out 30 years of junk from their house. My mom called me today, and she mentioned we still had a lot of toys there. The barbies I can live without, but I really want to keep my old Cabbage Patch Kids. My sister thinks I am totally strange. It’s not like I think they will be collectibles, but I want my kids to be able to play with them one day.

I know, I don’t have kids—but if I did, I would want them to. That’s not weird? Right?

This week starts on a Tuesday, so my hope is all the weird sickness/fires/football drama/toys for unborn baby business will be over.

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