Friday, December 2, 2011

Semester Long Classes..TYJOW (Thank you Jesus! Or Whomever!)

Dear whomever decided it was a good idea to have semester long classes,

Thank you. I am very excited to get 3 new classes at semester.  I have a few students that I am kinda done with. I hope that my new kids will give me a few weeks of good behavior before I have to break out the big guns.

I wish you could do something about the subject matter that I teach. The title of the class is Interactive Media/Game Design, and the kids think they should just be able to play games all day.  In fact, when I told them they were going to write a research paper they almost revolted.  Sadly, that was only the second week of my class.

I am very glad to have a new group of kids, as this semester was a learning period for me, too. Not only was the subject matter new, I had to manage behaviors that I had never seen before. Now, I know what is, and is not allowed when it comes to the kinds of things middle schoolers will try to pull--especially, when they have access to a computer. 

I also like that our finals start on Wednesday--that means I only have 7 more instruction days with this group of Interactive Media kids...(when they start complaining I remind them, only X many more days.)

Please, only put good kids in my next semester of classes.



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