Sunday, January 20, 2013

Little Talks: Daddy and Baby

I have officially been back to work for 12 weekdays. While it has not been the most fun--the sub let my students do whatever they wanted to for ten weeks, I look forward to the weekends more and more. It is the only real time I have to spend with Kedzie. 

Sadly, I always have a very long list of things that need to get done on the weekends. It's the shopping, tons of laundry, cooking meals for the week, cleaning the house and trying to get at least one decent work out in. Typically, I try to grocery shop late Friday night and then clean early Saturday morning. If I can get those things done, I have a little more time with the baby on Sunday. 

Well, due to my sister's baby shower yesterday, I wasn't able to get anything done around the house--so today I was in crazy lady mode. 

I am thankful that I have my husband around--and that he enjoys being a Daddy. 

Today, in between folding loads of laundry and vacuuming, I overheard hubby talking to the baby. He had no idea I was listening, but it was the sweetest thing. The short end of their conversation was his admittance to our three month old--how she has him wrapped around her finger. 

Then, after he got her dressed and fed, they took a nice nap on the couch. 

I know that she won't let us cuddle with her forever, but I am so glad that she loves her Daddy as much as I do. 

A sweet pic her Dad took while they were hanging out today. 

And, on those times when I am rushing around the house--and it is Daddy and Kedzie time, I can't wait to overhear more of their little talks. 


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