This Saturday our church started what I hope is a new tradition. We took our kids to a local nursing home to deliver Valentines.
It was actually a rehabilitation center--with memory care. My sister knows a lot more about nursing homes--that was her first job out of college. All I know of nursing homes is from the times we would go to visit my grandmother after she was recovering from a surgery or a fall. (Sad, and not any fond memories.)
Well, I learned a lot of things from our hour long visit.
I wasn't prepared for what I saw. It was sad. I won't pretend that it wasn't.
One thing I learned is that our new pastor is absolutely awesome. She has 4 kids...under age 8. She is an ex teacher and an incredible person. Before we took the kids in, she sat them down in a circle to give them a heads up on what we would see. She told the kids they needed to be gentle, not to run--talked about how some people might be lonely and need a friend. They all nodded that they understood and in we went.
The kids had made Valentines and we had some chocolate to hand out.
There were about 12 kids in all-ranging from age 1-9 and then one awesome teenager came to help out.
We split up into two groups.
Our group went into the memory care side first. There were some young people in there and some old. It smelled bad. I tensed up and I could tell Kedzie sensed it. I tried to put a smile on my face. We went around the room handing out our treats. I couldn't help but notice not one of these memory care patients had any visitors.
Then we went into the main dining room. This group was a bit more lively. Some looked at us like we were crazy. Some of them just wanted the chocolate. Overall, I think they were pleased with the Valentines and thought the kids were cute.
Before we started handing out chocolate, we should have inquired about special diets--one of the nurses was calmly freaking out. I hope we didn't make anyone sick from the chocolate we handed out. I also hope no one tried to eat the chocolate with the wrapper still on.
Our last stop on our visit was to a woman who goes to our church. She fell about two weeks ago on some ice outside and broke her ankle. I don't think she knew we were coming, but I think it made her day.
Our trip made me wonder so much about the people who live in these facilities. I know many people don't have families around who can take care of them--for whatever reason. But, do these residents sit around and wonder when someone might come by to visit? Do they get dressed on Saturday with the hope that their family might stop by? Have they given up hope completely? Do they resign themselves that these places are their homes? Do they ever feel like these places are their homes?
Did my grandmother feel this way--especially those times when it seemed like she had recovered only to fall again and land back in a rehabilitation center, yet again?
I needed some time to process what I saw. I posted a picture on Facebook of my Mom holding my daughters hand as they walked down the hallways. One of my friends made a comment that she wanted to "steal" this idea and take her girls to a nursing home.
I think her intentions are good. But, I think there are some serious conversations that need to take place before you go. Talk about wheelchairs, talk about the smell, talk about how it is a chance to brighten someone's day.
Will I go again? I think so. It's important to give back--even if its uncomfortable and a little unpretty.
Recently single mom looking to get back into the groove. Not, like Stella--but, like a normal mom (to a one year old and an almost five year old). I make jokes when I get uncomfortable and I hate having crucial conversations. I am an educator and I live with my parents.
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