Hubby's spring break was the week prior, which means it was the first time in about 9 years that we haven't been off together. It's been weird. Our schedules have been off at our house for 2 weeks, and I am a little worried about Monday morning and waking my girl up for her trip to Nana and Papa's.
On the other hand, it has been wonderful for me to spend some one on one time with my daughter.
We have been very busy.
Monday-Austin Zoo (Highly recommend for little ones! She got to see a tiger up close. I loved when she growled at the tiger.)
Tuesday-Cinderella at Alamo Drafthouse (It was baby day and I was glad my two year old wasn't the only one making noise.)
Wednesday-Gym and a trip to Southpark Meadows in Austin to play on the playground
Thursday-Shopping, Puppet Show at the San Marcos Library and planning flowers in the afternoon
Friday-Gym, HEB, and time to rest. (Where did the week go?)
Now, it is raining. We had been waiting all week for this "alleged" rain, and now its here.
Plus we have been watching my sister's two dogs (maybe that's why we were gone so much)....I can't do three dogs. It is way too much work and way too hard to walk all three of them...even when Kedzie has the little one.
There is a little part of me that is glad to get back to our routine, and I am really excited for the summer. I think we are going to have so much fun!

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