Wednesday, July 27, 2011

I did it (well almost)!

My time in Tyler is coming to an end.

The first night I thought I would not be able to make it. I called my husband as I was in tears. Thankfully, he talked me down off the ledge. Truly, my job depends on this training. Without it I can’t teach in the fall.

Then, I started learning a computer design program, and doing/creating other things that a Language Arts/Social Studies/Science person would never do. I was way out of my comfort zone. I would go to class from 8-5 and then I would do homework for about 4-5 hours a night. Even my most challenging classes in college paled in comparison to the brain workout I have received these last two weeks.

Tonight, I finished my major project--the playground design. It’s not perfect but it looks pretty darn good in my opinion. I did get a bit of direction, but I would say it’s 80% mine.

Tomorrow, I become a computer programmer. Today was the introduction and it was actually pretty easy to follow. (Hopefully my optimism doesn’t come back around to bite me in the badonkadonk.)

I also made two new friends. Since there are only three girls in our class, we have started eating lunch and dinner together. It is actually pretty nice especially since I hate going to restaurants alone.

Things have really turned around. I have learned a ton and I can't wait to start school.

But, I am ready to go home. Now, I just hope I can find my way back.

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