Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Don't be a nube--you, noob

So, we have officially been back in school for a week. I am starting to learn some of the new personalities in my Interactive Media (aka Game Design-- but the kids sign up for the class thinking they will get to play games all day) Classes.

 So far, so good.

After five days, I am happy to say that I have not had anyone argue with me. No one has talked back to me—in fact, I have heard more yes ma’ams than I did all last semester.  I know the honeymoon will end soon, but it makes my day go by a lot better.

Yesterday the question was posed to me, “Mrs. Campbell, do you know what a nube is?”

Automatically I am thinking to myself, nube, sounds a lot like pube ( the shortened form of a word that rhymes with rubric), but I don’t go there.

I say to my lovely 7th grader, “Is that like a newbie?”

Tonight, as my husband and I are heading back from one of our favorite restaurants--No, not HEB Café Spoons, but rather Wingstop, I decided to ask him if he knows what a nube is.

He told me it was referenced from a Call of Duty commercial—which is the game that all 7th and 8th grade boys are obsessed with, and that, yes, it was similar to a newbie.

Just to check my sources, I decide to look it up on Urban Dictionary.

Apparently there are various spellings of nube/n00b/noob.

The first definitinion I found of nube—spelling errors and all:

Someone so pittiful and idiotic the they have not even the megar skills to be titled a noob, they are now a nube, derived from the word nub, dervied from stub. Yes they are nothing more than what remains of a dismembered p**is. -Urban

Great. I can’t let them call each other nubes. That is so NOT appropriate.

Hubby says he doesn’t think they call each other that because of the dismembering part.

But, really, with middle schoolers anything goes.

Moral of the story: Don’t be a nube.

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