Monday, May 23, 2016

Please stop asking me how much longer until I have this baby! (I have no idea!)

Why? Why is it when you get close to your due date that everyone seems to ask you, "How much longer?" Or, "are you counting down?" Or, something else just as ridiculous?

I am about to lose my mind. I have considered becoming a "shut in." I don't have the "luxury" of being on bedrest. (Please understand that is sarcasm. I feel for anyone who has to be on bedrest.) As of today I am not even 39 weeks pregnant. I understand that babies come out when they are ready.

I also am OVER being pregnant, but there is nothing I can do (that doesn't sound disgusting). No thanks, Castor Oil.

I am not saying that I don't want to meet my newborn. I am just saying that if you want to continue to ask me "how much longer," I may not be able to control my snarky-ness. And, I used to be a nice person. Pregnancy has put me over the edge.

It was especially bad yesterday when I went to church. I must have had 50 old ladies come up to me and ask me, "how much longer?" I don't know! If I knew, I could possibly have a new career as a fortune teller. But, thank you for asking.

And, I am not past my due date but here is a funny article on: 10 things Not to say to a woman who is past her due date.

At some point I will have this baby. I can't control how much longer she will choose to be in my tummy. I am just glad she is healthy and I have had a relatively easy pregnancy.

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